Studio Akimbo
559 658-2663
This was a different kind of abstraction for me. I generally rely heavily on multiple viewpoint perspective (MVP) in creating my abstract images. With MVP I study my subject matter from all sides and then use the data gathered to create a single image that communicates information about my subject from multiple points of view at the same time. The illusion is dependent on the viewer recognizing that adjustments from a normal representation have been made. This type of abstraction works best on living beings, creatures, manmade objects or structures. It does not work well on organic subject matter, like trees, rocks or rivers, as these items can take any shape without appearing to be out of the ordinary. So, for this painting I relied on other systems of abstraction: geometric, organic and reductive abstraction to realize my design. It was a great experience, taking me out of my comfort zone, something very important to my creative growth, preventing me from repeating myself.